Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Breast Implants Beverly Hills and Breast Augmentation Beverly Hills

Even with the downturn in the U.S economy, plastic surgery remains a popular business. Cosmetic enhancement procedures are intriguing both men and women with their continuous growth and evolvement. Since the state of the economy is more stable compared to the recent past, many people are considering that this is the right time to search for a breast augmentation plastic surgeon.  Since, only few cases are successful in claiming insurance, many surgeons are willing to offer coupons and discounted prices.

Breast enlargement, technically known as mammoplasty, is performed by breast augmentation plastic surgeons for the following reasons:
Ø  to enlarge breast size
Ø  to correct a breast volume reduction that may occur after pregnancy
Ø  to correct an imbalance in breast size
Ø  as a reconstructive technique following breast surgery.

Services provided by Breast Implants Beverly Hills Surgeons include and are not limited to:
Ø  breast augmentation and liposuction
Ø  breast reduction
Ø  breast implant removal
Ø  breast reconstruction

There are different types of breast implants Beverly Hills available. The type of an implant is generally named on the implant fill material that is used and its characteristics (for example, expandable, smooth surfaced, rough surfaced and so on). Some of them are:  Saline Breast Implants, Silicone Breast Implants, Cohesive Gel Implants, PIP Implants, Soybean oil-filled Implants and Expandable Implants. In Beverly Hills, the two types of breast implants approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), silicone-filled and saline-filled, are used. For example, if you have very little natural breast tissue and are concerned about rippling then silicone might be right for you. Saline implants may be a better choice for you if you have ample natural breast tissue and are worried about being able to detect implant ruptures.

Depending on your anatomy and specific desires or concerns with scarring and pain, a Breast Implants Beverly Hills surgeon will recommend one of the four methods of inserting and positioning your implant: around the nipple area, beneath the breast, axillary (in a skin crease under the arm). Through the incision, the breast tissue and skin are lifted either above or underneath the chest and a pocket is created. After a pocket is created, your plastic surgeon will position the implants beneath the nipples.

 For more information about breast augmentation, please visit:

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